Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Scripting Capabilities

Scripting is commonly used by customers and partners to implement procedural logic or complex business rules within their applications. Customers often have complex business rules pertaining to what are their required fields when a user creates a record. The rule of thumb is always to rely upon configuration to enforce data integrity and entry into a required field wherever and whenever possible. For situations where requirements cannot be met using configuration, developers can turn to Siebel Scripting as an alternative.

1. Business rule definition
2. Perform complex data validations and manipulations
     Which cannot be achieved by declarative configuration
3. Incorporate validations based on internal or external data
     Example: Compare data in different records
4. Dynamic user interaction, for example

  •   Inform user of something
  •   Collect information from user
  •   Custom HTML dialogs
5. Custom behavior definition for user interface controls
  •    Custom menus, buttons, and toolbars
  •    Color coding user interface
 6. Communication with external sources

  •  Desktop applications
  •  Workflow processes
7. Integration solutions
  •  Data transformation
  •  Data sharing
  •  Data transport

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