Thursday, February 10, 2011

Initializing Developer's Local Database

After the Extraction developers must now initialize their local databases. Initialization creates a local database file, called sse_data.dbf and stores it on the developer’s local machine. Siebel Tools includes an initialization program that creates this file.
Steps to initialize a developer’s local database:
1. Open tools put the credentials.
2. Logon and connect to the Local database.

The following message appears:
“The local Siebel database was not found. Would you like to connect to the Siebel Remote server to initialize the local database?”
3. Click Yes.

Siebel Tools connects to the Siebel Remote server and initializes the developer’s local database.
If initialization is successful, the sse_data.dbf file appears in the tools_root\local directory

Performing a Full "Get" Process:

After initializing a local database, you must populate it with a read-only copy of all

the projects and object definitions stored on the server database.
This process is called a full get. A full get is equivalent to checking out all the projects from the
server, however the projects are not locked and you cannot modify the object
definitions until you check out a project from the server database or lock a project
1.Start Tools , login to Local, tools > Check Out
2. Choose the name of your repository.
3. Select the All Projects radio button.
4. Click the Options button.
5. In the Development Tools Options window, 
 enter Your Server Data Source is pointing to your server development database.
 Your Client Data Source is pointing to the local database you previously
initialized and are currently running against.

These data sources should match those shown in the Control Panel, under ODBC
Data Sources.

6.Close the Development Tools Options
7. In the Check Out dialog box click Get.

After the full get is complete, your currently open local repository has the same
contents as the server repository from which you did the full get.
And now we are ready to check out and do our customization as per the business requirement.

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