Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Auto Login to Siebel tools,client and server.

The following trick is very useful while working on siebel and needed to login and logout for million times.

Right click on the icon, in properties window, you see Target value something like the following,
"C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\BIN\siebdev.exe" /c "C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\bin\enu\tools.cfg"

To automate your login to Sample Database.

add the following
"C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\BIN\siebdev.exe" /c "C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\bin\enu\tools.cfg" /u sadmin /p sadmin /d sample

 For Local add:
/u MSMITH /p MSMITH /d Local  (your local username and password)

 /d ServerDataSrc to connect to Server.

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