Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Service Request cannot be closed without filling in comments in the Summary control.

Before I start about the following post, I would like to extend my deep sympathy towards the Japanese people who are stuck by the disaster and am continuously keeping them in my prayers.

 Requirement : A Service Request cannot be closed without filling in comments in the Summary control. An error message should be thrown "Please enter Summary information before closing the Service Request."

We solve this problem by using PreWriteRecord event which is called before a row is written to the database.
The event can perform any final validation necessary before any internal record-level validation is performed.

function BusComp_PreWriteRecord ()


 var Status=this.GetFieldValue("Status");

var Abstract=this.GetFieldValue("Abstract");

if (Status == 'Closed')


if (Abstract=='')


TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("If Status is closed then Summery must be entered");




Thursday, March 10, 2011

Named Method

              Sometimes it is necessary to trigger actions in response to data changes, for example when records are created, deleted, or updated. The response can be required to be triggered before or after the date  change has been applied.
             Within the Siebel Application there is standard functionality, including user properties, to allow you to implement automated responses to data changes without the need to use custom scripts.
for which we have,
The Named Method n applet user property can be used to invoke methods in a certain order.

This user property is supported for applets based on the CSSFrameBase and CSSFrameListBase classes.

Business Challenge:  Update a legacy system with new Account records after a new record is created in the
Siebel application.
Solution :
Goto related applet> applet user property
Create a new record as follows with the properties:
Name :     Named Method 2: WriteRecord

Value :     'INVOKE', 'WriteRecord', 'INVOKESVC', 'Workflow Process Manager', 'Run Process',    '"ProcessName"', '"Account - New Order"', '"RowId"','[Id]'

(make the above syntax using the Expression dialog box, which will be popped when u click on ellipses of the value field)

Note : You can create additional instances of this user property as needed. If you have more than one instance of this user property for a business component, each instance is executed sequentially by number (for example, Named Method 1, then Named Method 2, and so on). If there is only one such user property, then no number is required.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Auto Login to Siebel tools,client and server.

The following trick is very useful while working on siebel and needed to login and logout for million times.

Right click on the icon, in properties window, you see Target value something like the following,
"C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\BIN\siebdev.exe" /c "C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\bin\enu\tools.cfg"

To automate your login to Sample Database.

add the following
"C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\BIN\siebdev.exe" /c "C:\Siebel\8.0\Tools\bin\enu\tools.cfg" /u sadmin /p sadmin /d sample

 For Local add:
/u MSMITH /p MSMITH /d Local  (your local username and password)

 /d ServerDataSrc to connect to Server.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Validation Property

Requirement : Action end date should always be greater than action start date.

Solution : BC Field level, set to the syntax of the validation property to

                        >=[Action Start Date]

Should throw an error if the field left empty

Requirement : The field "Date Of Birth" shouldn't be left empty by the user.

Solution: On BC level set the "Required" property to TRUE for the field.

Display Total in List Applet

Requirement : In the Opportunity List Applet, the requiement is to display the total Revenue made by all opportunities.
Solution : Siebel has an out of the box facility for such requirement.
Steps to fulfill this requiement.
In tools Goto Opportunity List Applet > List, make "Total Displayed" and "Total Required" property to TRUE.
Goto the Revenue listcolumn, "Total Required" property to TRUE.

Compile and see the result in the column.


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