1.What is CRM?
Any successful company consists of Employees, Business processes, Technology and customers, Customer loyalty and satisfaction is the number one priority of the company.
So maintaining the Customer information is the crucial factor for a company. Also the requests made by customers like orders, Service requests, and Payments are very important. All these factors including some others make up a concept called CRM or Customer Relationship Management.
2.What are the types of interactivity and explain their benefits?
Two Types: Standard Interactivity and High Interactivity.
High InteractivityAvailable for employee applications, supporting highly interactive enterprise users.
Requires Internet Explorer 5 or higher.Reduces no.of page refreshes. User downloads complete HTML page initially.Saves data Implicitly by stepping off the record.No need to click save button.Supports highly interactive graphical UI elements.Flowcharts, organization charts, interactive toolbars.
Standard InteractivityAvailable for customer applications,Behaves like traditional web applications, requiring frequent page refreshes.
3. What is the difference between EIM and EAI?
EIM : It is batch mode Integration. When data volume is large then we have to go to EIM
Exchanges large volumes of data between the Siebel database and external sources through interface tables in batch mode. Example: Each week the application captures mainframe updates and runs a batch job to synchronize the Siebel account data.
EAI : It is real time Integration. When data valume is small then we have to go to EAI.
4.What is the relationship between a view and a b/o?
View references the business object. Every view is associated with a particular business object.
5.What is the difference between Join and Link?
(i)It defines M:1 relation between a field in BC to the Column in table.
(ii)Source Field is the Foreign key field in BC while Destination column is the Primary Key column in Table.
(i)It defines 1:M relation between a field in parent BC to the field in the child BC.
(ii)Source Field is the Primary Key field in Parent BC while Destination Field is the Foreign Key field in child BC.
Any successful company consists of Employees, Business processes, Technology and customers, Customer loyalty and satisfaction is the number one priority of the company.
So maintaining the Customer information is the crucial factor for a company. Also the requests made by customers like orders, Service requests, and Payments are very important. All these factors including some others make up a concept called CRM or Customer Relationship Management.
2.What are the types of interactivity and explain their benefits?
Two Types: Standard Interactivity and High Interactivity.
High InteractivityAvailable for employee applications, supporting highly interactive enterprise users.
Requires Internet Explorer 5 or higher.Reduces no.of page refreshes. User downloads complete HTML page initially.Saves data Implicitly by stepping off the record.No need to click save button.Supports highly interactive graphical UI elements.Flowcharts, organization charts, interactive toolbars.
Standard InteractivityAvailable for customer applications,Behaves like traditional web applications, requiring frequent page refreshes.
3. What is the difference between EIM and EAI?
EIM : It is batch mode Integration. When data volume is large then we have to go to EIM
Exchanges large volumes of data between the Siebel database and external sources through interface tables in batch mode. Example: Each week the application captures mainframe updates and runs a batch job to synchronize the Siebel account data.
EAI : It is real time Integration. When data valume is small then we have to go to EAI.
4.What is the relationship between a view and a b/o?
View references the business object. Every view is associated with a particular business object.
5.What is the difference between Join and Link?
(i)It defines M:1 relation between a field in BC to the Column in table.
(ii)Source Field is the Foreign key field in BC while Destination column is the Primary Key column in Table.
(i)It defines 1:M relation between a field in parent BC to the field in the child BC.
(ii)Source Field is the Primary Key field in Parent BC while Destination Field is the Foreign Key field in child BC.